Where we started

About where we Started

Welcome to GL Communities, your number one source for community development, advice and resources. We're dedicated to giving you the very best in help and information, with a focus on community development, well-being and a money advice service.

Humble Beginnings

Founded in 2008 and receiving its charity status in 2010, we have come a long way from its humble beginnings. GL Communities was a merger of three of the most successful of the neighbourhood projects in Gloucester but is now able to offer services all over Gloucestershire. We are thrilled to be able to turn our passion into work on the ground that creates change with local people.

Picture dates back to July 2000 at Gloucester Park when Gloucestershire Neighbourghood Projects was invited to take part in the annual Gloucester Carnival.
GNP Gloucester Carnival July 2000

Our Vision

  • Community – At the heart of cohesive, inclusive and aspirational communities
  • People – Valuing and believing in our residents, staff and volunteers; building on their strengths to develop empowered people
  • Partners – Respecting and working with a range of partners to achieve the best possible outcomes for our neighbourhoods
  • Sustainability – Learning from our collective experiences to create a sustainable organisation and resilient communities
  • Achieving – Realising added value through our investment in communities

Our Mission

Building Futures with local people

Theory of Change Impact: Local people are more inspired to build connected and cohesive communities with a strong sense of pride


When I was referred to the Wellbeing Service 5 to 6 months ago, I was not in a good place.  Working with the team has helped my mental health a great deal.  I am now in a much better place. 

I have made new friends and feel part of a little family.

Steve very kindly took me to the Service Veterans ‘coffee morning’ at Gloucester Rugby Club which I thoroughly enjoyed.  I continue to attend on my own. 


You! the community


Matson, Gloucester


Building Communities

More Information

Annual Report
Review our annual report held at our AGM.
Public Accounts
View our pubilic accessable accounts.
Theory of Change
How activities are understood to produce a series of results that contribute to achieving the final intended impacts.
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